Diving with Sharks in Marsa Alam

‘I want to see a shark’, ‘when is the best time to see sharks’, ‘can you promise me sharks?’……. We hear these statements and questions a lot in our job! When you’ve never seen a shark before there is the excited anticipation of not knowing what to expect or how the shark will interact with you which can lead to some hoping to not see any whilst diving.

In response to this, we always tell divers that the shark is way more scared of you than you are of it, really! We’re noisy underwater, with all that expelled air and movement, sharks are not likely to hang around much more than a minute or two once they spot you, preferring instead to head back down to the deep for some peace and quiet.

Diving with Sharks in Elphinstone

Elphinstone is deservedly considered one of the most popular dive sites in the Red Sea. The approximately 450 meters long reef (excluding the length of the plateaus to the north and south lies 11 kilometers east of the mainland and 26 kilometers north of Marsa Alam.

Because of its often strong currents, which also prevent night dives, big fish gather regularly, and the chance to observe sharks and dive at the beautifully overgrown reef walls attracts divers here. On account of its proximity to the mainland, daily boats can easily sail to it, which is why it is common to find ten or more boats competing for the best moorings to the south of the reef-you will seldom be on your own.

Diving with Sharks in Marsa Alam schedule:

Picking up from the hotel start in the morning from 06:00 to 07:30. The time is depending on the location of your hotel. Transfer by air-conditioned car to the most famous bay in the area of Marsa Alam, then we prepare our diving equipment.
You will find our speed boat waiting for us to take us to the Elphinstone dive site. There are a lot of Sharks (large and small different kinds), shoals of fish, and lots of colorful fish and rays.
One day – two dives. You will receive an introduction and instructions on how to discover the underwater world. The instructor will explain everything again just before each dive. Then you will start two dives with our instructor.


1 Day–2 Dives Duration: 05:30–19:00  Explore the beauty of All kinds of sharks and be amazed by their wonderful marine life.

One day from our speed boat includes Two dives with our dive guides. Lunch break after we back from diving.


Lunch, Coffee, Tea, Water & other refreshing beverages included. Vegetarian/Vegan options are also available (please notify staff in advance). Please inform staff before your arrival if you have any allergies we should be aware of.

Two tanks air 12L + weights.

Private Scuba Diving Guide.

What do you need?

AOWD – Advanced Open Water Diver certification and a minimum of 50 logged dives are required for shark diving.

Take your certificate with you (plastic card, online certificate, or photo)

Everything else is provided!

Diving in Marsa Alam with sharks

1 Day, 2 Dives
300 €
Underwater Videos * Optional
50 €


Dive Equipment
35 €
8L Tank
15 € Per Tank
15L Tank
15 € Per Tank
Dive Computer
20 €
15 €
15 € Per Tank
Extra Dive
35 €
Check Dive
30 €
Underwater Videos
50 €
Transportation from Hurghada, Sahl Hasheesh, Makadi Bay, Soma Bay, and Safaga 2 ways.
150 € Per Car
Transportation from El-Gouna 2 ways.
200 € Per Car

Sharks Photos

Room Number

For added security, we may ask you to tell us the room number of your hotel. This acts as a secret code between you and the driver. We may also ask for a phone number in case we need further communication with you.

Transportation Time

The Transportation time depends on the distance of your hotel and the number of guests. Nevertheless, this will be decided as soon as your reservation is confirmed. In the morning, pick-up is between 05:00 and 06:00. In the afternoon, drop-off is between 17:00 and 19:00.

Book Now

Book Online Your Marsa Alam Trip Today!

You don’t need to pay online! The payment you can make upon arrival in our diving center. We accept credit cards (3.5% tax excluded) or cash (preferred currency is Euro).

– Diving with Sharks –

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