Red Sea Diving Academy

Underwater Videos with Red Sea Diving Academy

All videos are taken by our team and copyrighted by Diving Forever ™  We share them to show you the beauty and adventures that await you in the Red Sea Hurghada.

Hello my dear friends …..

Red sea coral grouper ( Plectropomus pessuliferus marisrubri ) .. Reach up to 110 cm. at depth 10 – 50 m.

A very common grouper especially in the northern Red Sea.

Found in coral reefs, also seen hovering over sandy areas and seagrass fields. The huge predator has been observed attacking garden eels in their colony on a sandy slope with coral blocks.

Often encountered in shipwrecks. Its basic coloration is quite variable. Hurghada Red Sea ( EGYPT ).

Hello, my dear friends…

Bowmouth Guitar Shark ( Rhina ancylostoma ).

Also called the shark ray or mud skate, is a species of ray and a member of the family Rhinidae.

Its evolutionary affinities are not fully resolved, though it may be related to true guitarfish and skates. This rare species occurs widely in the tropical coastal waters of the western Indo-Pacific, at depths of up to 90 m.

Highly distinctive in appearance, the Bowmouth Guitar Shark has a wide and thick body with a rounded snout and large shark-like dorsal and tail fins. Its mouth forms a W-shaped undulating line, and there are multiple thorny ridges over its head and back….

Hello, my dear friends ……

Spotted Snake Eel ( Myrichthys Maculosus ) .. Reach up to 100 cm. at depth 1 – 25 m.

A common inhabitant of sandy areas on reef flats as well as in lagoons and seaward reefs.

This species is often seen by snorkelers and is usually mistaken for a Sea Snake. It mimics the venomous reptiles in many areas and its color pattern varies accordingly. In other parts of its wide distributional range the spots of this species form entire rings. Banded Sea Snakes are known to prey on Banded Snake Eels.

Hello, my dear friends…..

Dolphin (disambiguation) Dolphins are a widely distributed and diverse group of aquatic mammals.

They have streamlined bodies and two limbs that are modified into flippers.

Though not quite as flexible as seals, some dolphins can travel at 55.5 km/h. Dolphins use their conical-shaped teeth to capture fast-moving prey.

They have well-developed hearing which is adapted for both air and water and is so well developed that some can survive even if they are blind. Some species are well adapted for diving to great depths.

Hello my dear friends ..

Green Sea Turtle ( Chelonia Mydas ) .. It has a dorsoventrally flattened body , a beaked head at the end of a short neck , and paddle-like arms well-adapted for swimming . Adult green turtles grow to 1.5 m. long . The average weight of mature individuals is 68 –190 kg and the average carapace length is 78–112 cm. They migrate long distances between feeding sites and nesting sites , some swim more than 2,600 km. to reach their spawning grounds . They can rest or sleep underwater for several hours at a time , but submergence time is much shorter while diving for food or to escape predators . Breath-holding ability is affected by activity and stress , which is why turtles quickly drown in shrimp trawlers and other fishing gear . During the night while sleeping and to protect themselves from potential predators , the adults wedge themselves under rocks below the surface and under ledges in reefs and coastal rocks . Many green sea turtles have been observed in returning to the same sleeping location night after night .

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